Welcome to
new online
Gas Product

Gas made easy.
Anywhere, anytime.

We've made
some big changes+

Landis+Gyr is committed to improving the customer experience. That's why we have developed our new online and mobile-friendly gas product selection program, to give you on-the-go access to our suite of products and solutions.

Select right and
save time and money+

With just the click of a button, you can ensure you are selecting the right product, for the right application. Simply browse the catalogue and click on a product to view all its details and technical specifications.

Everything you need
in one location+

Now available in mobile format, this site connects you to the entire range of Landis+Gyr's gas products, solutions and services, including diaphragms, rotaries, turbines and ultrasonic meters, gas filters, over pressure shut-off devices, axial flow valves, plus our extensive range of domestic and industrial pressure regulators.